Carson, 11 years old

When CITY staff first met Carson, he had several behavioural issues. He was rude, loud, mischievous and defiant. He also played truant, disliked doing homework, resented being told what to do, and had a habit of lying to get round instructions and rules.

At home, Carson also had discipline problems. After his parents divorced, he lived with his mother and grandfather. His mother worked long hours, and had difficulty disciplining him. Carson, however, feared his father, as he would cane his son hard whenever he misbehaved.

CITY staff spent as much quality time with him as they could. They offered him a listening ear, tried to build up his confidence, and motivate him, helping him to shine through games and sports. Working closely with Carson’s mother, they tried to reinforce good values taught, and helped him overcome his lying habit. Staff also gave him tuition and worked with his teachers to help him improve in his studies.

As a result of CITY staff’s efforts to engage him and from their positive influence, Carson became more respectful towards authority, improved his self-control, and could be seen making more effort to follow instructions. The 11-year-old also showed that he could be helpful and resourceful, and related well with the other children, staff and volunteers. While he still struggles with his homework, he stopped playing truant. Encouraged by these results, Carson’s mother also tried to spend more time with him. Both she and her son are thankful for CITY’s efforts.

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