Hong Wei, 10 years old

Hong Wei, who came from a large family with seven children, had problems controlling his temper. Upset with the arrival of a new baby, he resented being asked to help care for his younger siblings and to help with household chores. He would also play truant, running away from school often. His father was released from prison three years ago.

CITY staff spent a lot of time talking and listening to Hong Wei. Eventually, Hong Wei opened up and told them that he hated his parents for beating him, and would run away to an uncle who loved and cared for him. On receiving care and love from CITY staff, his mood improved, and he became very helpful and cooperative. CITY staff also worked closely with Hong Wei’s parents, helping them financially when his father was not working and his mother was pregnant.

Hong Wei now attends a youth group in a nearby church after school, and his mother told CITY that he likes it there and has not run away since.

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